Studi Identifikasi Sumber Pencemaran Merkuri di Sungai Cibaliung dan sekitarnya di Desa Sukaluyu, Pangalengan, Bandung
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Nurcahyo Indro Basuki

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Artisanal Small Gold Mining (ASGM) is one of the sources of mercury pollution in Indonesia, especially on purifying gold using mercury. It also found sources of mercury from nature that can create sources of pollution in the environment. From above background, this research conducted to find the mercury pollution sources in one ASGM area near by Bandung city. The village of Bunikasih, located 50 km from Bandung, is one of the ASGM locations that has developed since 1993. Inhabitant of Bunikasih village works as miners, and tea and vegetable plantations. The present studies focusing for identified the pollution of mercury in Cibaliung river, rock, soil, water and tea leaves samples were collected depend on the distance. The soil sample was analyzed by XRF, water samples was analyzed by AAS, and tea leaves was analyzed by ICP-OS. The results shows that soil is highest contamination part compare to the water and tea leaves. The mercury content of the soil decreases with increasing distance from the source. Some sample of water is containing mercury, but tea leaves are not detected of mercury. Further social economical reasearch is needed to help inhabitant fulfill their daily needs.


Penerapan Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

Artisanal Small Gold Mining (ASGM) is one of the sources of mercury pollution in Indonesia, especially on purifying gold using mercury. It also found sources of mercury from nature that can create sources of pollution in the environment.