Studi Hidrogeologi dan Evaluasi Potensi Mataair untuk Penyediaan Air Bersih bagi Masyarakat di Desa Tarumajaya, Kabupaten Bandung
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Arif Susanto

Ringkasan Kegiatan

The activities proposed in this proposal is about Study of Hydrogeology and Evaluation of Springs Potential for Water Supply for People in Tarumajaya Village, Bandung Regency. Studies conducted include field surveys and laboratory analysis. The purpose of this study is to identify occurrences springs in the Tarumajaya village, knowing the quantity and quality of the springs, to determine the suitability of the springs quality of drinking water quality standards, and evaluate the potential of springs to meet the needs of clean water for people in the Tarumajaya village, Bandung regency. Design of water supply system of communal rather than individual applying and using appropriate technology. The emphasis of the study in addition to reliability performance, is the ease and low cost operation and maintenance of water supply systems for rural communities, so expect utilization will be sustainable. To accommodate the water source of springs needed building of springs tanks. In terms of processing, the source of raw water from these springs usually require only simple processing, by simple filtration. Results from community service activities performed in RT 1 and RT 2, RW 7 Kampung Cigoong Tarumajaya Village is the installation or clean water facilities for the improvement of social welfare which includes springs tank with size 4 x 3 x 3 m and 2 bathrooms with size 2 x 1.5 m for bathing and washing. Springs tank and the bathroom has been completed and handed over to the residents on November 15, 2015. The springs tanks and the bathroom is already used by about 100 families Kampung Cigoong as a source of clean water for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing and other domestic purposes. In addition, in this event, we also applied the technology is the application of the science of geology/hydrogeology for the identification of springs, measurements of physical properties of spring water (flow, pH, TDS, EC.) and the quality of the springs to determine the source of raw water/clean water for Tarumajaya village community.


Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna

Testimoni Masyarakat

Evaluation of Springs Potential for Water Supply for People in Tarumajaya Village, Bandung Regency.