I Gde Nyoman Merthayasa
The present program was intended to socialized of the Acoustics Design of Gamelan & Tari Bali Concert Hall to the Government of Bali Province, since the previous program to the Government of Badung Regency was fa iled because this Government has decided to build the Multi-Murpose Hall. At the mid/end of 2019, the development of this Multi-Purpose Hall of Badung Regency has been accomplished and named : Gedung Mandala Mangunpura. On Juni 2019, the Governor of Bali decided to develop the New Cultural Centre of Bali named as Pusat Kebudayaan Bali - PKB (https://www.antaranews.com/berita/908541/gubernur-pusat- kebudayaan-bali-dibangun-mulai-2020). Based on the recommendation of the Dean of FTI- ITB, the Audience with the Vice Governor of Bali has been performed and He gave a recommendation to meet with the Governor of Bali. Based on these meeting, the Governor of Bali decided to included the Architectural Acoustics Design of ITB in the Development Team of PKB since the beginning of the development stage [SK terlampir]. The Governor instructed that the Architectural Acoustics Design of Gamelan & Tari Bali Concert Hall & Others Infra-Structures in the PKB should be studied & decided by the Team of PKB.
Penerapan Karya Tulis, Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Kepedulian Sosial berupa pendidikan/penyuluhan/pendampingan
Up to the present time, Indonesia does not has a Concert Hall, which is build based on the out- put of Indonesian Traditional Musics such as Gamelan Bali, Gamelan Jawa or Gamelan Sunda, although these Musics has been performed in various concert hall abroad. The concert halls should be design based on the preference of acoustics characteristics of the sound fields in the hall as a results of the convolution of the sound produces by the orchestral ensamble and the acoustics characteristics of the hall. Therefore the hall should be design based on the acoustics characteristics of the specified musics (in this case : Gamelan Bali Musics] and the results of the hall design will be tranfered to the Architecs.