Sosialisasi Peran Titik Referensi Maritim dalam Menjaga Kedaulatan Negara
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Dwi Wisayantono

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Maritime boundary reference points in the field are usually benchmarks, monuments or stakes. In some locations, the conditions of these points are so bad that it is even difficult to recognize them as markers from maritime boundary reference points. The people who are active around these points tend to ignore if there is damage or even the people themselves destroy these reference points. In fact, this point is a reference for determining boundaries which is also related to the sovereignty of the Indonesian State. In the community service program that will be carried out, the focus of the problem raised is the importance of the role of the community in safeguarding maritime boundary points. The paradigm shift towards border areas from “outermost areas” to “frontier areas” has not been fully understood by the community. Community activities that tend not to pay too much attention to the conditions of the boundary reference points become a separate obstacle in determining maritime boundaries. The main objective in this community service activity is to change the paradigm of the community to jointly safeguard assets that are used as reference points for maritime boundaries.


Penerapan Karya Tulis, Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Kepedulian Sosial berupa pendidikan/penyuluhan/pendampingan

Testimoni Masyarakat

The determination of maritime boundaries is an instrument that can provide legal certainty in an area. The determination of the rights and obligations of a State towards the sea area needs to be equipped with clear boundaries to avoid potential conflicts in the region. The determination of maritime boundaries by Indonesia has been identified as not optimal for maritime boundary claims (Djunarsjah, 2006). In general, Indonesia's maritime boundary claims are not optimal due to the following factors: • Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) has not been used as a vertical datum. • Indonesia has only used two types of baselines (regular and straight archipelago). • Identified baselines that cut the coastline (the outer most point on the outermost island has not been fulfilled). Technically, the reference points used in determining Indonesia's maritime boundaries still need to be improved. With the not yet optimal determination of boundaries, supervision of maritime boundary reference points is a part that needs to be optimized. Apart from being the task of the Government, monitoring of maritime boundary reference points is the responsibility of the community.