Sosialisasi Model Pranata Mangsa Nusantara
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Dicky Rezady Munaf

Ringkasan Kegiatan

One of technologies discovered by Indonesian ancestors which also needed to evolve is the concept of traditional season calendar (Pranata Mangsa). Pranata Mangsa or Pranotomongso is a season calendar which combines the Western Gregorian, solar, calendric system and astronomy in the Javanese culture and it is based on agricultural time keeping (Indowuryanto cited in K. Adimiharja, 1999) or in the new term, it can be said as a Time Manager/timing management for varied usage. This traditional season calendar (Pranata Mangsa) can be categorized as a high technology from the past. The main challenge is to make the Indonesian traditional season calendar (Pranata Mangsa) as a concept that is almost "extinct" in urban life, can be accepted in modern conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to re-socialize Pranata Mangsa in more modern packages for younger generation so that the existence of the calendar is not extinct and the benefits gained by Indonesian ancestors will always be maintained. Previous P3MI research had resulted in an application in the form of Pranata Mangsa Nusantara calendar application which combines Hindu Balinese calendar and Islamic calendar. The next step to conduct is to socialize this application and Pranata Mangsa knowledge to the community with a specific target of academics and students from state and private universities around West Java and among the people of West Java. The socialization had been done by presenting a paper related to Pranata Mangsa Nusantara in international Conference and hold a national conference about Pranata Mangsa Nusantara located in Institut Teknologi Bandung.


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Re-socialize Pranata Mangsa in more modern packages for younger generation so that the existence of the calendar is not extinct and the benefits gained by Indonesian ancestors will always be maintained.