Sosialisasi eksplorasi energi terbarukan
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Alfend Rudyawan

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Indonesia situated at the one of the most tectonically active regions of the world. Its community thrive on the close encounter with nature wrath and nurture. Significant earthquakes, massive volcano eruptions, and many other natural disasters have been recorded throughout its history. In Ambon, a large earthquake event (Mag 6.8) on September 2020 have affected peoples more than any other disaster. It was followed by hundreds of aftershocks that unsettled the community. They are thought to be related to geothermal drilling program carried out by the national electricity company. People who live nearby the shore seek refuge in temporary tent or makeshift home located in hinger grounds. This paper aims to share results of observations following the earthquake in Ambon, discussing the potential caused for the earthquake and hopefully improving the common knowledge in developing resilient community. Ambon is clearly cross cut by active faults, therefore earthquake will forever be occurred here. Remote sensing interpretation suggests that some of the significant earthquake are directly related to mappable surface feature. It is common to see collapse ground especially in the area underlain by kartstified limestone post-earthquake followed by drop in water level.


Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Kepedulian Sosial berupa pendidikan/penyuluhan/pendampingan

Testimoni Masyarakat

Earthquake events spread across the Indonesian Islands from west to east which shows a general trend of large earthquake more probably occurs the west than in the east. Therefore, it is understandably that Indonesians living on their toes when it comes to living side by side with natural hazard. Including the people of Ambon who suffers from, though relatively small (M.6.8) but evidently devastating earthquake events in 26 September 2019. 20 people passed away and hundreds more suffered from injuries and loss of properties in addition to damages recorded in public buildings. Natural occurrence of large earthquake often followed by group of small events known as aftershocks. Although can still occur in days event weeks after the main event, they are generally small events, some even unnoticeable. In the case of 2019 Ambon earthquake, there were hundreds of these aftershocks events that resulted in increasing worry in the citizen’s daily life. Although no tsunami recorded after the event, the resulting damages were unbearable to some people. They seek refuge in high grounds fearing the follow ups to the earthquake might threatened their life. Moreover, a hoax has been circulated that the island of Ambon might be drown following the earthquake and this news unsettled the people. Some other fake news circulated even related this earthquake events to the geothermal drilling program carried out by the national electricity company. This has created mass upset and needed a prompt government attention.