Dadang Sudrajat
Art has a liquid nature and is open to knowledge outside of art, with this property makes it easy for art to establish “intimate relationships” with other sciences, in this case Sufism as the core teachings of Islam. Art and Sufism is the science that seeks the values of truth with the mode of making a ‘movement’ or ‘journey’ to the inner . It is through spirituality that it appears that art and Sufism have a closeness in the essential matter which is the main key to unlocking the secrets of their relationship. Through intense research can be found the essence and meeting point of both. Research focuses on tracing a model of creation, characteristics and character of both disciplines and will touch upon the internal organs empowered by artists and Sufis. The object of discussion is the field of fine arts, by making the works of Muslim artists as an example to illustrate that spiritual values can be found in their work without having to discuss in detail about the aesthetic values contained therein. The results of this study are not a formula about art is Sufism or Sufism is art, because in fact if there is a relationship between the two arts are only considered as a model of expression (the essence of creating) which contains the spiritual value of Sufism. Art is not in a position that gives effect to Sufism but with the nuances of Sufism art will give a concrete form that is beneficial to Sufism.
Penerapan Karya Tulis
It is through spirituality that it appears that art and Sufism have a closeness in the essential matter which is the main key to unlocking the secrets of their relationship.