SCIENTIFIC RESILLIENCE: Studi mengenai Teknologi Lokal untuk Mengungkap Potensi dan Capaian Pengetahuan Saintifik (Scientific Knowledge) di Lingkungan Masyarakat Tradisional
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Ruly Darmawan

Ringkasan Kegiatan

This community service (CS) activity is a continuation of previous activity of the same program. The CS activity in 2019 was produced another writing which unveiled the potential scientific knowledge beyond those actual technologies. A preliminary research was undertaken before formulating an appropriate contribution to community. The procedures of this preliminary research are: 1) determining the focus of the research and hypotheses, 2/A) selecting/determining research objects, 2/B) data interpretations, 3) in-depth interpretation of findings, 4) conclusion. One thing that can be understood from this CS activity is that local community has already lived with their own science and technology. This kind of science and technology are manifestations of their thought and contemplation. In this sense, everything they do and create will always became a representation of their own value and belief as well. However, many such local science and technology remain unnoticed all this time. People often see these manifestations as ordinary things that they had learnt from elders before. They do not realize that all cultural artifacts, whether it be a tangible or intangible artifacts, represent their own “scientific journey”. The book that will be delivered through this CS activity is intended to help local people to get more acquainted with their potentials. This book was prepared in simple presentation to ensure its readability and accessibility for local people. It is hoped that this simple book presentation will inspire the local people to be more sensitive to their “scientific journey” which is manifested in their own everyday life.


Penerapan Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

Many such local science and technology remain unnoticed all this time. People often see these manifestations as ordinary things that they had learnt from elders before. They do not realize that all cultural artifacts, whether it be a tangible or intangible artifacts, represent their own “scientific journey”.