Lidia Mayangsari
Waste has direct financial, environmental and health consequences for individuals, organizations and society at large. Decision making to take out the trash is a response from the general dilemma (commons dillemma) as published by Lyold (1833), which is a simplified form of the prisoner's dilemma dillemma) by Poundstone (1992). A common dilemma occurs when someone makes a choice which is personally beneficial (benefit), but will have consequences (cost) to other parties. In the case of behavioral decision making theory, the common dilemma that occurs is when people like to throw away littering feel that the advantage in themselves from throwing away littering exceeds the cost that they will spend not to throw away littering. This study will explore the course of behavior change students in seeing, responding to, and acting on matters related to waste in around it.
Penerapa Karya Seni/Desain/Arsitektur/Perencanaan Wilayah, Penerapan Karya Tulis, Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Kepedulian Sosial berupa pendidikan/penyuluhan/pendampingan
Waste and the course of behavior change students in seeing, responding to, and acting on matters related to waste in around it