Rembesan gas di Tukdana, Indramayu, Jawa Barat: identifikasi, karakterisasi, dan asal mula (Gas seeps in Tukdana, Indramayu, West Java: identification, characterization, and its origin)
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Very Susanto

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Berau Basin is is located in conjunction with the two productive basins, i.e. Salawati in the north and Bintuni in the east. Basically, several things of the Berau Basin are similar with those of the other two basins, e.g. geological phenomena. Therefore, it is expected that this basin has a big chance to produce hydrocarbon. However, drilling activities in the Berau Basin shows a fact that some wells were dry and only oil show detected in one well. Based on the background mentioned, this study has been done to unravel the situation. Geochemical analyses have been applied to the studied samples. Two sample types were collected in this study; they are sediments and crude oils. Correlation between Crude Oil and Source Rock. Five parameters were selected to establish correlation between sediments and crude oils; they are ratios of pristane/n-C17 (Pr/n-C17), pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph), C27-C28-C29 steranes, relative concentration of C27-diasteranes, oleananes/C30-hopane. Parameters that are maturity dependent were not used in the correlation.


Penerapan Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

drilling activities in the Berau Basin shows a fact that some wells were dry and only oil show detected in one well.