Re-definisi Kultur Studio (Studio Culture) pada Kelas Studio Perancangan Interior
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Kukuh Rizki Satriaji

Ringkasan Kegiatan

The design course is a major course in the Interior Design Study Program that uses a design studio (practical) class model. The design studio class model allows collaboration between individuals/ users who need intentions, ideas, vision and knowledge (Vyas, 2012). Studio class is a simulation of the world of professional work, in which there is a creative, collaborative, and applicative process. During this time the existing studio system and configuration is a tradition that continued from the past and only experienced a slight change. The purpose of this study is to explore various possibilities of studio culture that are expected to best suit current conditions. Good studio culture is one of the important things that must be possessed by the design course (interior design) because it will have an impact on user performance in it. Various activities in the studio such as learning, sharing experiences and competencies, discussions, presentations and so on (Fallman, 2007) may no longer be able to use the concept of a traditional studio. During this time the development of the concept of studio culture is based on habits that occur so far, without involving the user. Through this activity, the development of the concept of studio culture uses a participatory method which involves the user to identify existing problems while helping to find the right solution. The purpose of this activity is: - Identifying problems that occur related to studio culture in the interior design class. - Involving space users (students) to play an active role in developing good and informative studio culture concepts through participatory methods. - Producing culture studio standards / guidelines for interior design design that can be applied in schools with similar cultures


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the existing studio system and configuration is a tradition that continued from the past and only experienced a slight change.