Rancangan Perangkat Lunak di Bidang Keuangan untuk
membantu Proses Penyusunan Biaya Produksi bagi UMKM
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Budhi Prihartono

Ringkasan Kegiatan

The idea to create software in the field of accounting and finance to help Small and Micro Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) analyze their production cost is a continuation of previous P3MI Program entitled Simple Software Design to assist the Preparation of Financial Statements for MSMEs and Simple Financial Software Design to Help Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise to Analyze Their Business Success. The methodology that will be used in this research follows the input-output and process approach according to the software design approach in the field of software engineering. Activities will begin with the identification of outputs that must be produced, inputs to be used and stages of the process that must be carried out to produce some important business performance figures. By still paying attention to the education level and the ability of MSME business actors who are generally not too high, the software design will be made as simple as possible and as practical as possible. The trial and the design validation stage were carried out by using the data from the real business. The output of this research is a simple excel workbook that can be used to calculate MSME’s, factory cost, cost of goods manufactured (COGM), and cost of goods sold (COGS). In conclusion, the outcome of this research is to provide an important dashboard for MSMEs to be able to understand the costs that are incurred during their production cycle. MSME will be able to minimize the mistakes of putting their daily transactions into the wrong account of cost of production. Thus, they can calculate their cost of production better and in the end measure their profitability in a more accurate manner. These informations can be used to make better decision to improve their business.


Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna, Perintisan kelompok usaha dan pengembangan UKM

Testimoni Masyarakat

Help Small and Micro Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) analyze their production cost