Rancang Bangun Perangkat Uji Pembangkit Daya Listrik Termoelektrik
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Hendi Riyanto

Ringkasan Kegiatan

A thermoelectric module test bench prototype will be built for the purpose of demonstrating the Seebeck and the Peltier phenomena, and of gathering the performance of the module. For one reason or another, as of December 2020, the test bench has not been completed. Thermoelectric modules which have been selected and procured for testing are two pieces each of TEC1-12706 and TEC1-12710 thermoelectric cooler modules, two pieces of SP1848- 27145 thermoelectric generator module, AC and DC PTC (positive temperature coefficient) heater, a thermoelectric cooler kit, two pieces of voltage and current meter, a PC power supply, and various types of heat sink. Testing on the thermoelectric cooler kit has been carried out for combination of supply power and method of cooling. As of December 2020, the prototype of a thermoelectric test bench is not completed as promised. A few thermoelectric cooler TEC1-12706 testing was carried out. However, more testing are still waiting to be conducted for producing real performance of thermoelectric cooler modules. As to thermoelectric generator modules testing, none is accomplished.


Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna

Testimoni Masyarakat

A thermoelectric module is a direct energy conversion solid state device which convert heat into electrical work and vice versa. The Seebeck and the Peltier phenomena are the driving force for the direct energy conversion. However, in terms of energy conversion efficiency, a thermoelectric module is inferior to those of thermodynamic cycles such as the Rankine, the Brayton, the Otto or the Diesel cycles. In addition, the working temperature range for an existing thermoelectric module is about 400 K. At present, there are various types of thermoelectric module available locally. However, the information about their performance characteristics are not included in the data sheet of a thermoelectric module.