Brian Yuliarto
Today many cities in the world are experiencing environmental problems, among them the environmental degradation of air. Forest fires are one of the largest contributors that case air pollution in the form of dust and particulate matters which are very dangerous for human health. Environmental degradation caused by exposure to air pollution is not monitored and controlled enough yet. In general, in many cities there is no pollution monitoring and control system that can reduce adverse impacts and awareness of the population to play a role in efforts to reduce air pollution. Although some progress has been made in controlling air pollution in industrialized countries over the past two decades, air quality particularly in the major cities of the country is growing worse. Bandung City is the capital of West Java province with some of the functions of the city that is the center of government, services, industry and trade, education and science, as well as tourism and culture. High population density with the function of the city that is so important to make the city of Bandung as a city that is always bustling with various activities in daily life. City designed as a resting place by the time of the Dutch government, today transformed into a metropolitan city with a myriad of issues. One of them is the problem of air pollution has reached the level of endangering the safety of the citizen. Pollution level indicated by the level of exposure to pollution at some point location can be obtained using the air quality monitoring system (integrated air quality monitoring system). This activity is designed to implement the monitoring system technology so that the air quality in terms of the amount of dust particles in a given location can be determined. Air quality information can be gathered in real-time and online. The government can follow up on this information with other air pollution control program and the citizens is expected to have awareness and play an active role to reduce sources of pollution. This activity was conducted with the flow approach. The activities of the implementation of air quality monitoring system will be placed at the three sample points of sample. Survey on the site determination of the system installation was done by the BPLH. Site of system installation was selected based on the population density of the region. The three specified sites were Sadang Serang, Cinambo and Cibiru.
Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Kepedulian Sosial berupa pendidikan/penyuluhan/pendampingan
In general, in many cities there is no pollution monitoring and control system that can reduce adverse impacts and awareness of the population to play a role in efforts to reduce air pollution.