Publikasi Artikel Ilmiah di Luar Jurnal Ilmiah (buku ber ISBN) Buku KK Geofisika Global 2018
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Antonius Nanang Tyasbudi P.

Ringkasan Kegiatan

The Geofisika Global 2018 book contains eight articles that cover research results conducted by member of Global Geophysics group (KK Geofisika Global) and team. Beside as a documentation of our research compilation, this book also to give insight and information about research field in KK Geofisika Global. Furthermore, we hope this book can be used as a reference for the student. The eight articles can be classified into four topics: 1. Earthquake seismology, 2. geodynamic, 3. Exploration seismology, and 4. Environmental geophysics. Fundamental theory for some topics are explained in detail, it hope can give better understanding on physics and mathematics for a specific topic. In addition, the application aspects are given adequate place ranging from regional coverage to the very local study. Some articles discuss the relatively new topics or underdeveloped studies in geophysics such as the utilization of seismic noise recordings, seismic anisotropy studies, and the implementation of geophysical methods for environmental assessment.


Penerapan Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

To document research compilation