Practical Recommendations for The Design, Consideration, and Justification of Semi Rigid Inclusion
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Endra Susila

Ringkasan Kegiatan


Semi Rigid Inclusion, Controlled Modular Columns (CMC) as a soil reinforcement solution is gaining popularity in application, and several studies on CMC have been developed in Indonesia. In the practitioner’s community, challenges arise during the planning and analysis stages due to several concepts in CMC planning that remain undocumented in a guideline. Research on a comprehensive design framework for CMC is crucial to ensure every aspect of planning and verification is met. This paper presents a recommended CMC design outlining the guidelines related to design, verification, and field control using CMC loading tests. All aspects of this writing refer to the primary reference of the ASIRI National Project 2012. The characteristics of the CMC system under embankment structures and rigid slab structures will be examined and differentiated. From this understanding, planning and verification methods are formulated, and the design procedure is defined. Subsequently, the design verification aspects adopted from ASIRI (2012) are reassessed to align with design criteria in Indonesia. Implementation aspects in the field and loading tests are also described in this paper. The outcome includes a flowchart illustrating the design process to verification, accompanied by explanations and application in case studies.


Draft Paper untuk International Journal dan/atau International Proceedings; Publikasi

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