Potensi Radiasi Alamiah Unsur Radioaktif dari Batuan terhadap Kesehatan   Masyarakat  di daerah  Mamuju, Sulawesi Barat.
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Bambang Priadi

Ringkasan Kegiatan

In several areas in Mamuju, West Sulawesi Province, where the Adang volcanic rock was exposed, observed the high level of radiation and reached 2,800 nSv/hour which is the highest level in Indonesia. Mamuju is one of the densely populated areas in West Sulawesi. The long exposure to the high level of radiation can affect their health condition (Syaeful dkk., 2014; Sukadana, 2015). The low radiation level is generally harmless but a moderate level of radiation can cause temporary or routine negative effects for human health. Moreover, a high level of radiation can lead to permanent disruption in the human gland and reproductive system (Environment Protection Agency, 2012; Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2006). The research is intended to identify the relationship between the natural radioactive level and the impact on the health of local people in Mamuju. The result from the environmental assessment conducted by the researches shows that there are indications of health problems such as upper respiratory tract infection, hypertension, gastritis, rheumatism, diarrhea, skin diseases, bronchitis, and cervical cancer in the area of spread of the Adang volcanic rock. The relationship between natural radiation and health problems is still unclear because there is not any link to the high level of radiation and the accumulated health problems in the area. The only evidence is the high level of 238U in the urine of people in the Botteng area that is the southern part of Mamuju (Dera, 2018). However, the health problem of the local people in Mamuju can be interpreted as the impact related to the natural radiation in the area.


Penerapan Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

In several areas in Mamuju, where the Adang volcanic rock was exposed, observed the high level of radiation which is the highest level in Indonesia. Moreover, a high level of radiation can lead to permanent disruption in the human gland and reproductive system.