Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pendaftaran Fasilitasi Pembinaan IKM berbasis Website pada Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Provinsi Jawa Barat
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Indryati Sunaryo

Ringkasan Kegiatan

This condition is of course ineffective in terms of fairness and effectiveness of budget use. With the development of communication and information technology, efforts that can be made to assist SMI and the Agency in overcoming these negative impacts is to develop a website-based registration information system for the facilitation of SMI guidance. The use of this technology will provide benefits, such as ease of access by various users), and ease in searching and reporting data. The design of information systems is carried out using the Waterfall method, which starts with a needs analysis through interviews with related parties, system design and coding (such as interface design), and information system testing. There are two stakeholders who will use this system, namely SMI and the Agency. On the Agency side, there are two user roles that are carried out, namely Admin and Super Admin. System modeling is done using data flow diagrams and use case diagrams. The results of the system testing phase using the black box method include several activities that can be managed in the information system, it is found that the information system can run as expected. The display of the information system being developed is as follows.


Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna

Testimoni Masyarakat

In the West Java economy, small and medium-sized industries (SMI) have an important role, in terms of investment and employment. Given those roles of SMI, the West Java Provincial Industry and Trade Office has provided various coaching facilitation for SMI, so that the SMI can grow and develop properly and be able to compete in local and global markets. However, the implementation of the coaching facilitation program carried out by the Agency is still faced with problems, including those related to the management of the registration information system for coaching facilitation which is still done manually. The district/city government submits an application for the facilitation of SMI guidance to the Agency through a written letter. Then the Agency follows up on the request and decides whether the application is approved or not. Another way is for the Agency to use a database of assisted SMIs to determine which SMIs will be given coaching facilitation. There are three negative impacts arising from manual registration of coaching facilitation. First, not all IKMs get the opportunity to obtain coaching facilitation from the Agency because SMIs do not have access to apply for the expected facilitation of guidance directly. Second, there is an opportunity for the Agency to provide the same coaching facilitation to one SMI. Third, the Agency faces difficulties in evaluating and synergizing the coaching facilitation program that has been and will be provided because the data held by each sector is stored separately.