Perancangan Produk Tekstil dari Serat Bambu Beema dengan Teknik Tenun
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Sabrina Ilma Sakina

Ringkasan Kegiatan

The textile and fashion industry as the number two biggest contributor to pollution at this time continues to seek renewal in order to reduce the adverse impact on the environment. Bamboo as a non-wood plant and a renewable source is an alternative material for the textile industry. Bamboo is very potential to be processed into textile fibers because it has a high cellulose content, but its short fiber results in bamboo having to undergo further processing before it can be made into fabric (Nayak et al., 2016). The Center for Pulp and Paper (BBPK) is working on the use of non-wood alternative materials for pulping. One of these alternative materials is bamboo, specifically Beema bamboo, a green-stemmed bamboo variety that has a relatively high flexibility. Beema bamboo has been successfully processed into dissolving pulp, so it can be processed into rayon fiber. Unfortunately, in Indonesia there is no bamboo plantation that is able to meet the demand for the quantity of the textile industry to be a source of material. Based on this, this research intends to fill the gap between the ability to process bamboo fibers into textile fibers with the absence of large-scale material suppliers. One way is to design textile products that can be produced by small and medium scale industries so that the potential of bamboo as a textile fiber material can be utilized optimally. This research is a collaboration with the Center for Pulp and Paper, aiming to produce textile products from processed bamboo fibers. This research is explorative, and uses tactile and visual feedback for its results. The restraint in chemical usage in processing the bamboo fibers perhaps requires a research on traditional methods on processing fibers. Simply using retting, scouring, and softening has not managed to draw out the desired properties from bamboo fibers. The resulting fibers are suitable for weaving purposes, but are not able to be spun into threads as initially desired.


Penerapa Karya Seni/Desain/Arsitektur/Perencanaan Wilayah

Testimoni Masyarakat

In Indonesia there is no bamboo plantation that is able to meet the demand for the quantity of the textile industry to be a source of material.