Perancangan dan Instalasi Patient Handling Technology ( PHT ) Bagi Panti Jompo di Kota Bandung
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Hardianto Iridiastadi

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Disability is a condition in which someone has a limitation when performing her/his activity. OFor disability that is caused by a disease, they are categorized as disabled patient. Disability patient as vulnerable health condition are common to elderly people, as their health condition continue io decrease, especially as they grow older. For disability patient, a simple maneuver (moving from bed to wheel chair or to other places) requires help from other people, typically a nurse/caregiver. The job's risk for nurse is relativelv substantial, which is known as musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). This inciucies iower back pain, or sore in shoulder and back, and also other parts of the body. These injuries are very common to occur when the nurses are doing their patient handling activity, like lifting or moving eiderly patient. In addition to injury risks, patient-handling activity could result in adverse impact on the safety and convenience of elderly patient. This is due to the physical force and moments that are beyond the nurse's physical capability. The community service program in this project was aimed at designing a patient handling techlology (PHT) to be used at nursing home facilities in Bandung. This community project was aimed at understanding ergonomic problems faced by nurses and caregivers when performing patient handling in hospital and nursing homes. It was concluded that the majority of nurses and caregivers experienced lower back pain and shoulder pain due to patient handling tasks. The tasks also increased safety risks for the patients, particularly the potential for fall during handling and maneuvering. Hence, the need for Patient Handling Technology (PHT) was warranted. In 2016, a prototype of PHT will be manufactured. The protofype wili be evaluated from biomechanical and technical perspective. In 2017, the PHT will be installed in several nursing homes and hospital in Bandung. ln summary, progress oi this project has been on target, and nursing homes and medical facilities can be expected to utilize the technology in 2017.


Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna, Penerapa Karya Seni/Desain/Arsitektur/Perencanaan Wilayah

Testimoni Masyarakat

The job's risk for nurse is relativelv substantial, which is known as musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). This inciucies iower back pain, or sore in shoulder and back, and also other parts of the body. These injuries are very common to occur when the nurses are doing their patient handling activity, like lifting or moving eiderly patient.