Penulisan Buku 'Manajemen Kelelahan – Panduan bagi Pekerjaan Mengemudi Kendaraan Bermotor'
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Hardianto Iridiastadi

Ringkasan Kegiatan

In this topic, research and community service program were focused on investigating the capabilities and limitations of human in their interaction with work systems. The findings were expected to be applied for developing a better human-centered design strategy within the product development process. Anthropometric, biomechanics, physiology, as well as cognitive aspects were examined in this topic.


Penerapan Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

Accident in transportation sector is an important issue which should become a serious concern for the stakeholders. Human factors, fatigue and drowsiness in particular, have become one of dominant contributing aspects to various incidents in many transportation modes. This book is written as an effort to understand ”fatigue” from both the theoretical and practical perspective.