Penulisan Buku Kompleks
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Marcus Wono Setya Budhi

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Complex function courses until now have always been seen as a rather strange subject, because since ancient times the square root of negative numbers did not exist. The course will begin as if assuming that the square root exists. Students have big burdens. This book is written by considering at some facts about the use of complex numbers, starting from finding roots in real numbers, and systems that appear naturally so that the square root exists. It is also different from the usual textbooks, where exercises are given at the back, this book gives exercises starting from standard and will carry on to different levels of difficulty. This structure is given so that students are actively involved from the start.


Penerapan Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

Complex function courses until now have always been seen as a rather strange subject, because since ancient times the square root of negative numbers did not exist.