Mustika Sufiati
To create social development and prosperity of farmers and business stakeholders who are economically poor (Bottom of Pyramid (BOP)), the Business Strategy and Marketing Expertise Group has made a Disruptive Innovation Model namely This disruptive innovation prototype model allows all parts of the market / consumer population to have access to these innovations which previously could only be done by users (consumers) who are rich or able (skills) to use them. Technology that produces disruptive innovation that can change the way farmers manage their farms and craftsmen in managing their production business. The methodology that we used is by conducting Socialization and awareness to raise the adoptiom to use this digital platform prototype to increase business growth and farmer welfare KUKM in Subang, Pangalengan, and Pangandaran
Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna, Penerapa Karya Seni/Desain/Arsitektur/Perencanaan Wilayah
social development and prosperity of farmers and business stakeholders who are economically poor