Yanuarsyah Haroen
In order to have a good EE then the study program should have a good course in Electric Circuit . Electrical Circuit is one of basic course in EE. The course content about concept modelling of electric circuit and as a basic to overcome engineering problem through modelling concept. Kopertis ( coordinating body of private university) in area II, IV and VI have a lot EE program study . By personal contact with the Head of these Kopertis then they have been choose as the host of the program. Finally with better understanding of material courses in EE and by support PSPICE software will good have impact in EE educational process of private university. Participant Lectures feedback form Kopertis area II, IV and VI will improve this program and could be developed for other study programs in other Kopertis in Indonesia
Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Kepedulian Sosial berupa pendidikan/penyuluhan/pendampingan
- Kualitas mahasiswa dalam memahami mata kuliah Permasalah yang dihadapi sejak awal ketidak jelasan sejak awal apakah kegiatan ini akan dilaksankan atau tidak.