Peningkatan Kapasitas Aparatur Desa Menggunakan Model Adminsitrasi Pertanahan Desa dan Pemetaan Partisipatif
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Andri Hernandi

Ringkasan Kegiatan

The details of the management authority make the village must know the characteristics of the region and the community well. Therefore, the village information system is strived to help the implementation of the city and village government to the maximum. Seeing the authority of the village that can not be separated from the importance of information on the characteristics of the region, then spatial information is sought to be integrated into the village information system. The spatial information referred to here is land information. Land information systems in the world have the operating standards listed in the International Standard Operation (ISO) 19152: 2012 governing the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM). ISO 19152: 2012 will be adopted and adjusted to the needs and local characteristics in the village. The case study of this research is Pakutandang Village, Bandung Regency, Indonesia. To build smart village in Indonesia, land and technology are the main components. Land Administration Domain Model adopts the concept of LAS which can support the development of application software and data quality management (Oosterom,, 2015). So that, this research method is adopting the LADM concept to build the smart village system using database concept to support smart village system. Smart village development needs two components which are land and technology. In order to manage the problem in the village, LADM concept adoption is use to build relation model of database which can be modify in accordance with the village needs. The basic support that can village government do is the ownership rights for BPN and taxation information.


Penerapan Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

The village information system is strived to help the implementation of the city and village government to the maximum.