Penguatan Pembelajaran Laboratorium Analisis Kimia: Dasar-dasar Kimia Analitik
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)


Ringkasan Kegiatan

Analytical Chemistry Research Group have concern also to the development highschool in chemical education include the development of instrumentation and practical laboratory for highschool students. In first year, the team of analitycal chemistry research group will come to the 3 of highschool in the region of Bandung. They will demonstrate of simple analytical methods which can higher the motivation and basic analytical analysis for the teachers and students. The output of this programme is Online Tutorial Video for Basics Practical of Chemical Analysis.


Penerapa Karya Seni/Desain/Arsitektur/Perencanaan Wilayah

Testimoni Masyarakat

Development highschool in chemical education include the development of instrumentation and practical laboratory for highschool students.