Qorri Aina
The diversity of food is based on the culture of Indonesia have maintained continuity as one culinary tours that can be applied in the maximum utilization of fungal -based food processing . Therefore in community service activities will be carried out training with the food processing plant fungus -based agriculture. The purpose of community service to be performed is to empower the people, especially women / housewives in using mushroom-based food processing by providing training to improve the processing of household income . The goal of this community service is specifically produce qualified graduates who can understand and practice the mushroom -based food processing. The method is performed in a community service program is to provide training to 31 women in the village Margajaya Tanjungsari District Sumedang District . In this training material given entrepreneurship , marketing , business motivation , business planning and mushroom -based food processing practices .
Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Kepedulian Sosial berupa pendidikan/penyuluhan/pendampingan
-Permasalahan yang yang menghambat adalah keterlambatan pendanaan yang diperoleh dari DIPA ITB.