Pengolahan Media Pembelajaran dengan Memanfaatkan Material Limbah Kayu
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Arsaika Widasati

Ringkasan Kegiatan

On the other hand, the Interior Study Design Program in Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) requires a learning media such as material library to introduce various interior materials to the students. Unfortunately, the ideal material library could not be constructed at the Interior Study Program – ITB due to space limitation. Therefore, an effective space saving learning media or material display design is needed to maintain the students’ knowledge about various interior materials. This program came up with the idea to utilize wood waste and wood and / or wooden pallets as a learning media for students. In addition to simplifying and optimizing the learning process, this upcycles approach might reduce waste volumes from woods and wooden pallets. Due to the ongoing global pandemic, the implementation of this program has been delayed. Nevertheless, the implementation of this program continued with various adaptations. For instance, data collecting, brainstorming, design developing process were carried out online. Module form, size and joints could be further developed to fit more various material types, weights, and shapes. In the future, mock-up production could be carried out remotely to prevent the prolonged pandemic situation.


Penerapa Karya Seni/Desain/Arsitektur/Perencanaan Wilayah

Testimoni Masyarakat

There are many interior and furniture industries that use wood as one of the basic materials for their products in Bandung. Frequently, these industries produced wood waste. Wood waste is wood remains or parts that are considered uneconomical in a certain process, time, and place. This wood waste could be in the form of blocks, pieces, or sawdust. Beside wood waste, there are also wooden pallets which are also considered to have less economy value after being used. Wooden pallets are wooden arrangements that usually used as the shipping goods base. Because they are considered to have less economic value, wood waste and wooden pallets are more often burned or piled up so that their condition becomes damaged and increases waste volume. If not handled properly, the amount of waste wood and wooden pallets will continue to increase and cause new problems for the environment. It is possible to reuse wood waste and wooden pallets without adding more waste due to their smaller carbon footprint than other materials such as plastics, metals, and concrete.