Sophi Damayanti
Hypercholesterolemia is a metabolic disorder that is often associated with the onset of coronary heart disease as the number one cause of death in the world. Cholesterol is actually acts an important role in a variety of metabolic processes, but excessive levels of cholesterol in the blood (>200 mg/dl) will cause the stack blockage in blood vessels that can cause heart attacks and strokes. One study published in "The Journal of The Royal College of Physicians" by CS Silagy and Neil HAW in 1994 mentioned that garlic is an agent for reducing liproprotein level. The author states that garlic supplement is the most important part in the healing of high cholesterol. A decrease of 12 % of the total cholesterol was reported. People nowadays tend to show high cholesterol level due to high fatty food consumption. Therefore, a socialization for sharing knowledge of cholesterol and its morbidity and the important of healthy living are urgently needed.
Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Kepedulian Sosial berupa pendidikan/penyuluhan/pendampingan
-stack blockage in blood vessels that can cause heart attacks and strokes -Sistem yang ada mengharuskan peneliti untuk membayar terlebih dahulu (menanggung jumlah dana) untuk membeli keperluan pengabdian