Eniman Yunus Syamsuddin
Electric energy consumed in ITB campus now has exceeded 1.000.000 kWh/month. In order to overcome this situation, it is necessary to use some sort of simple technology. Simple application of smart sensors was there to solve this problem. Light sensor is one of simple sensor to prevent light is on when the room is not in dark condition. Passive infrared (PIR) sensor could also be used to detect movement of people in the public room in order to switch the light on automatically. There are 3 main activities done in the project: development of microcontroller based weekly programmable digital projector, analysis of electric energy saving and its break-even point by applying PIR and light sensor to all light bulbs in public area, and analysis of energy saving and its break-even point when all the light bulbs replace by LED type bulb.
Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna
-increasing electricity usage due to the numbers of students, activities, and buildings -LPPM tidak memberikan jadwal lengkap kepada peneliti kapan kegiatan dimulai hingga deadline penyusunan laporan akhir di awal kegiatan ini.