Pengembangan Inovasi Desa Wisata
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Arief Rosyidie

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Tourismvillage innovation through the development of agro-tourism villages is aneffort to encourage village development based on agricultural and plantationpotentials owned by Mekarwangi Village, Sindangkerta District, West BandungRegency. The implementation of activities is carried out with a participatory approach through three main stages, firstly increasing the capacity of the community to understand tourism, secondly increasing the institutional capacity of Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis), and thirdly testing various tourism products that have been produced.this activity resulted in several things, namely the identification of potential tourist attractions, the formation of Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis), the establishment of a pioneering Kampung Ganyol, the arrangement of the Mekarwangi agrotourism village tour package, and the creation of an increase in the quality of agrohomestays.The development of agro-tourism is an alternative to tourism development that actively involves the community by utilizing the potential of agriculture and plantations. Mekarwangi has this potential that must continue to be optimized as a tourist attraction. This activity has encouraged the public to be aware of the various tourism potentials they have and be able to articulate them into a tourist attraction that is able to attract tourists to come.


Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

ITB sebagai institusi pendidikan telah berkontribusi membangun desa wisata di lingkup Jawa barat sehingga masyarakat Desa Mekarangi dapat menjadi model bagi desa lainnya di Jawa Barat dan Indonesia