Pengembangan Prototipe Cloud Storage (SDS) untuk Edukasi dan Pembelajaran
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Eueung Mulyana

Ringkasan Kegiatan

As one of the primary resources for cloud services, SDS as well as SDN (Software Defined Network), its role will be increasingly significant, now and moreover in the future. SDS is a distributed data storage technology solution that abstracts the mechanism of managing data storage and allocation of physical resources, so that the system becomes scalable and modular. With SDS, the complexity of the system is well mediated. In comparison to the standard server-grade implementation, our prototype is more portable and very cost effective. This is a direct implication of SBC usage. On the other side, while SBCs usually have less computing power and IO troughput compared to PC or server-grade machines, the prototype of cloud storage facility works as expected and can be used for education and learning purposes. In the near future, this prototype can also be adopted for production environment of low to medium performance/throughput since new generations of more sophisticated SBCs are constantly introduced in the market.


Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna, Penerapa Karya Seni/Desain/Arsitektur/Perencanaan Wilayah

Testimoni Masyarakat

managing data storage