Irma Mulyani
Chemistry is a subject that is being introduced to senior high school students. In chemistry, students are introduced to the components of chemical compounds and learn about various types of chemical compounds, their composition, structure, and chemical dan physical properties. Generally, chemistry is delivered by instruction method. For visualisation of chemistry concepts, the facilities available at school are still limited. Along with the development of information technology, many software has been developed to support teaching. One of them is atool for illustrating teaching materials with an animation technique. Therefore, the development of learning media for chemistry concepts through animation is one of the activities carried out in community service. In this activity, the aim is to create animation teaching materials on chemical reactions using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe After effects software, which can be developed as web-based teaching materials and can be accessed by students using a computer/cellphone. The animation of chemical reactions were introduced to SMA/SMK/MA teachers, through online training activities (that held on 24th November 2020). The number of partcipitants was around 120 people. Participants can access the animation through a website (
Penerapa Karya Seni/Desain/Arsitektur/Perencanaan Wilayah
Chemistry is seen as difficult to undertsand and complex. This difficulty is related to several things, including chemistry is an abstract subject of many chemical concepts and has a board topic.