Pengembangan Material Vernakular sebagai Elemen Lingkungan Binaan Berbasis Aktivasi Masyarakat (Studi Kasus : Terakota- Kab.Majalengka)
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Deddy Wahjudi

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Majalengka itself has had a terracotta production center for a long time. Jatiwangi Art Factory (JAF) is one of them that has gradually various creative activities and is also connected with an international creative network. Besides using a Jatiwangi’s general terracotta as application in the site, we also tend to create custom terracotta. We intend Alun-alun Majalengka to have an inherent image of terracotta as the local identity of Majalengka. The expectation for Alun-alun Majalengka is not only that it will be waiting for local society but also for West Java society as well as Indonesian society. So that Alun-alun Majalengka would become a local tourist destination and strengthen its city branding. Here, Alun-alun Majalengka project is catalist of creating the new products made by terracotta as a diversification approach beyond terracotta roof tile. The second project is the revitalization of the main corridor of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Ganesha Campus. Through the historical campus that has strong characters of iconic architecture inspired by Indonesian vernacular architecture, the campus street corridor design is expected to bring new visual sense and experience in the campus environment by implementing terracota material.


Penerapa Karya Seni/Desain/Arsitektur/Perencanaan Wilayah, Penerapan Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

Terracotta as the existed material in Majalengka Regency has been choosed as a case study to be developed. The terracotta industries that commonly produce roof-tile have been asked to collaborated to develop new products through some city scale projects. The firts project is a revitalization of Alun-alun Majalengka which has been established for a long time. This revitalization of Alun-alun Majalengka has a theme as “Terracotta Square” by using terracotta as the main finishing material.