Pengembangan Desain Berbasis Budaya Tradisi Lokal sebagai Penguatan Identitas Produk Kerajinan Keramik Plered
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Gita Winata

Ringkasan Kegiatan

In this effort, after 2019 there will be an increase in the capacity and competence of human resources through coaching novice craftsmen, in 2020 there will be a development of Plered ceramic handicraft product designs based on local traditional culture through optimizing the human resources of novice craftsmen from the previous year's coaching. Thus, the aim of the 2020 P3MI activity is in addition to continuing the development of novice craftsmen in the context of regeneration at the center, as well as developing a model for the development of ceramic handicraft products so that they have a distinctiveness or identity through creation and innovation based on traditional culture. The output target of this research is a recommendation for a model for the development of ceramic handicraft product designs based on local traditional culture, as well as 10 designs implemented in the Plered pottery center. Plered is one of the largest pottery craft centers in West Java Province and has become an icon of Purwakarta. Its products are very well known not only in local markets but also abroad (exports). Based on the data recorded by UPTD Ceramics Research and Development, the Office of Cooperatives, UMKM, Industry and Trade, Purwakarta, and the Plered Pottery Cluster Working Group, currently in the Plered decorative pottery craft center there are around 1,410 craftsmen gathered in 284 business units.


Penerapa Karya Seni/Desain/Arsitektur/Perencanaan Wilayah

Testimoni Masyarakat

The main problem in several handicraft centers in Indonesia, including Plered, besides the problem of regeneration is the uniqueness or identity of the product. A product will have strong competitiveness and be appreciated by the market if it has a unique and strong identity. It is not surprising that in the last ten years there has been awareness in the regions of Indonesia to bring up their superior products that accentuates their local distinctiveness as an identity.