Deni Nugraha
In an effort to increase the capacity of groups and business actors (MSEs), especially those related to education and adaptation of digital technology and business management, the Bandung Institute of Technology through the Research, Community Service and Innovation (P3MI) Program carries out Community Service activities in collaboration with the Indonesian Entrepreneur Guide Association Bandung in the form of digital technology literacy training (digitizing MSEs) in product marketing development in Sukaratu Village, Darmaraja District, Sumedang Regency. Apart from being a form of support in accelerating the digital transformation program for MSEs, it is also an effort to increase knowledge and literacy and accelerate the adaptation of digital technology for MSEs in the development and sustainability of sustainable businesses. In this community service activity to determine priority problems and implementation of activities carried out through a participatory approach and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) involving the community (actors and MSEs groups), BUMDES administrators and cadres, Village community empowerment assistants, and the Community and Village Empowerment Service Sumedang Regency. The implementation of community service activities in an effort to increase the capacity of groups and rural production economic entrepreneurs during the Covid-19 pandemic with the topic of digital technology literacy in the development and continuity of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs), is carried out through the training method with the main participants being members of business groups (actors UMK) as well as BUMDES administrators and cadres.
Penerapan Karya Tulis
In developing the rural economy, especially for the sustainability of micro and small businesses (MSEs) during the Covid-19 pandemic with its various problems, efforts directed at management adaptation and increasing the capacity of digitalization-based groups and business actors are very important. Based on the results of the survey by the Central Statistics Agency in 2020, that in adapting to business management during the pandemic, around 84% of MSEs admitted that there was a positive influence on the use of online media for marketing and business continuity. Therefore, in developing and recovering MSEs from a crisis, business actors need to be encouraged to immediately adapt to digital technology in carrying out the wheels of their business economic activities. Some of the problems and obstacles faced by MSEs, both internally and externally in transforming technology or digital platforms in business activities, include the readiness of consumers to use the internet, the limitations of telecommunication infrastructure used by business actors and limited knowledge in running online businesses (on-line). . To reduce the various obstacles faced and make it easier for groups or MSME business actors to adaptation to digital technology, of course, it needs services and support from various parties (stakeholders), both the Government through its Ministry and Research and Development, Higher Education, as well as communities and industries related to digital technology, both in in terms of increasing knowledge, skills, management and assistance of digital technology infrastructure.