Pengelolaan sampah di Asrama Mahasiswa ITB dengan menggunakan pendekatan konsep Circular Economy
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Mochammad Chaerul

Ringkasan Kegiatan

For this study, a domestic waste sampling was performed in student’s dormitory following the standard on SNI 19-3964-1994. Sampling is performed to obtain the waste generation and waste composition data. After the sampling, field observation was performed to identify the existing condition and problems. Existing condition and problems were analyzed and the waste management system as the solution will be made into miniature model. Following problems are found by observing the existing condition of student’s dormitory in ITB Jatinangor: - the absence of an effective waste sorting system from the source - waste from upper floor should be brought to 1st floor - waste overload in waste containers - there are cats that shred the waste and make it messy - illegal charge from security when dealer/intermediate are picking up recyclables - absence of rewards and punishments After analyzing the problem, following solution are implemented in planned solid waste management of student’s dormitories in ITB Jatinangor: - implementation of trash chute to sort waste and accommodate upper floor residents - the chute will separate waste into valuable and non-valuable waste - using bigger volume waste container (660 liters capacity) with cover to prevent cats entering the container - container used specifically for cardboard and paper also installed beside new containers - coordination with IPST to make centered waste management system and legalized the business with dealer/intermediate to prevent illegal charging from securities.


Penerapan Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

ITB Jatinangor Campus has a dormitory intended as an accommodation place for ITB students during their study period. At present, the waste management in the dormitory is still merely promoting the concept of the traditional paradigm “Gather-Transport-Dispose” that still oriented to the collection of as much waste as possible from all the waste sources, so that along with the increase in the number of occupants and waste generation, it is also necessary to add the waste infrastructure management facilities. Non-environmentally friendly waste management can cause a negative impact on health and will disrupt environmental sustainability [1]. The lack of waste reduction is unfortunate because waste recycling is a promising step to reduce the residue [2]. The waste management paradigm should prioritize the implementation of the 3R (Reduce Reuse Recycle) concept, especially those relating to the utilization of various economic values that are still can held in waste. This study will design a model of waste management system that supports the circular economy concept in student’s dormitory.