Tomi Hendrayana
Coronavirus is an infectious agent that is currently being a serious problem in the world. In March 2020, the WHO officially declared COVID-19, a respiratory infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, a global pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has infected more than 16,000,000 of the world's population and more than 640,000 people have been declared dead due to the disease (Kemenkes RI, 2020). Governments around the world have mandated stay-at-home orders in an effort to control the spread of this disease, and this includes closing schools and workplaces. This has resulted in schools and offices applying a learn-from-home and work-from-home policies. The webinar activity was held on September 18, 2020 in collaboration with the PUSPAGA (Pusat Pembelajaran Keluarga) community in Bandung and was attended by 192 participants. At the end of the webinar, the participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire as a feedback from the webinar. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the lives of a multitude of people around the world. Lockdown restrictions have been applied in many countries, including Indonesia. Due to school closures, children are forced to attend school online at home, with parents being responsible to ensure they receive adequate education, on top of the parents’ responsibiliets during work-from -home. It has been shown that issue arise in family relationships and communication due to this. Overall, the webinars that have been carried out are very useful for the participants to overcome the conditions impacted by a pandemic.
Penerapan Karya Tulis
During this period of online school and work of home, parents have the additional responsibility of caring for their children during their work hours, and also make sure that their children still receives sufficient quality of education. This additional burden on parents may strain communication and relationships in the family (Losada-Baltar, 2020). It is therefore important for these issues to receive attention. The objective of this event is to provide education to parents regarding these important issues.