Pengantar Python dan Pemanfaatannya untuk Analisis Data Secara Visual dan Animasi
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Sparisoma Viridi

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Installing softwares, frameworks, or platforms to support the program-ming  learning  are  not  so  easy.  In  general  they  work  with  available installation guidance, but seldom they do not work. Information obtained in the internet sometimes is missing details of the system where the software to be installed. And solving the problem might lead to headache, especially when it should be conducted in brief. In this book the steps supporting the learning of programming using Python, from downloading the installer, until executing some examples are given in easy way and they are tested to assure the reproducibility. Details of the system from OS type and version, RAM and HDD capacities, until related software version are given to provide helpful information to find the solution, in case what are given here not working due to some incompatibilies. 


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