Penerbitan Buku Instrumentasi dan Kontrol Seri III
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Yul Yunazwin

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Control engineering is a very interesting and challenging field. Naturally, control engineering is a multi-disciplinary science and today it has even become one of the core subjects in the curriculum engineering field. It is therefore understandable that there are different approaches to mastering and practicing various forms of control engineering. Because this subject has a strong mathematical basis, the approach can be made from a direct theoretical point of view with an emphasis on theorems and proof. On the other hand, because the main objective is to implement controllers on real systems, the other approach is to use an ad hoc approach that relies on intuition and personal experience (hands-on) when designing control systems. Since the late 1960s and over the next two decades, various new approaches have been introduced so that the theories that came to be known as the 'modern control' era became an additional part of the techniques introduced earlier or called 'classical or conventional control techniques'. The century of modern control theory began with the launch of the first Sputnik rocket in 1957. The technological achievements of the Soviet state at that time had attracted the attention of scientists and engineers, in general, and the automatic control community in particular. With various efforts made, the control theory community of western countries has absorbed and mastered a new method based on the state space (statespace) for the analysis and design of control systems, which are the basis of modern control theory. These concepts have recorded remarkable success on several important high-tech projects such as the Apollo project from the United States. At least the majority of control systems implemented today are mostly designed using methods in earlier periods.


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Control engineering is a multi-disciplinary science and today it has even become one of the core subjects in the curriculum engineering field. It is therefore understandable that there are different approaches to mastering and practicing various forms of control engineering.