Penerapan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) untuk Mencerdaskan Masyarakat Tingkat RW di Kelurahan Cicaheum Kota Bandung
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Adit Kurniawan

Ringkasan Kegiatan

One important issue underlying community service activities is the existence of disparities in access and availability of information technology penetration for disadvantaged communities. Access to information is urgently needed by the Indonesian people. However, the use of information technology needs to be implemented correctly in order to obtain optimum benefits and at the same time eliminate the negative impacts, particularly for society role model of people. The purpose of this activity is to optimize the use of information and to provide education to community, particularly for disadvantaged community that have poor access to technology and information, We expect the result will be very positive, in that the targeted community can get access to information, as well as being wise in using information. The method to achieve the program goals, first we provide access to the Internet to the Mosque or Masjid Al-Hidayah, located at Kelurahan Cicaheum, Kecamatan Kiaracondong, Bandung. Next, we provide education and training to the community. The training is embeded within people activity in the Mosque Al-Hidayah. The training material is designed to highlight the selection, the use, and the understanding of ethical use of information. The focus of the training material is dedicated towards the materials related to the Islamiconline resources, including Al-Quran, hadits, and other related materials. Finally, we develop and apply a learning model using information technology to educate the community of Mosque Al-Hidahay and the role model of people living in the surrounfing area of the Mosque. List of Community Service Product: 1. Implementation of Information and Telecommunication Technology for board and the role model of people at the mosque of Al-Hidayah Kel. Cicaheum 2. Provides facilities of Learning Resources (table, training materials, and internet access) for the Mosque of Al-Hidayah, kelurahan Cicaheum, Kota Bandung. 3. Conduct embeded training to community which is actively delivered in day-to-day activity at the Mosque (Masjid Al-Hidayah) Kel. Cicaheum. 4. Generate community awareness on maintaining the mosque. This activity has encouraged funding contribution from local community of Rp. 10,5 million for the mosque Al Hidayah (The fund has been spent for maintenance of ceiling, maintenance of water tube, and produce 2 racks for shoe/sandal). 5. Outbound activity has been implemented to maintain togetherness and “silaturahmi”among community member. The activity was conducted in the form of religious tour (tadzabur alam) to tea plantation in Pangalengan (see the photos) 6. A poster, describing the community service activity.


Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna, Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Kepedulian Sosial berupa pendidikan/penyuluhan/pendampingan

Testimoni Masyarakat

One important issue underlying community service activities is the existence of disparities in access and availability of information technology penetration for disadvantaged communities. Access to information is urgently needed by the Indonesian people. However, the use of information technology needs to be implemented correctly in order to obtain optimum benefits and at the same time eliminate the negative impacts, particularly for society role model of people.