Penentuan Lokasi dan Orientasi Pelabuhan Berdasarkan Kondisi Gelombang
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Alamsyah Kurniawan

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Economic development to the maritime sector and marine resources has been the target of the development planning. One of the main points is to accelerate the provision of infrastructure to strengthen the national connectivity, i.e. the port. In port planning, information on environmental data, such as wind, currents, bathymetry, waves, and sedimentation data are required. One of the important environmental parameters in port planning, as it is directly affecting the port operational process, is the wave conditions. Based on the analysis and observations collected from ports around the world, several institutions engaged in marine and port transportation has provided information on the limits of permitted vessel motion during port operations based on sizes and types of the vessels. Currently, the interaction between ship and wave motion has been widely studied starting from empirical analysis, physical simulation (physical lab experiment), or by using numerical simulation. Numerical analysis has the advantage of the processing speed factor and the flexibility to apply engineer solution as this would be difficult and expensive to do when using empirical analysis or physical simulation. Wave data is the main data input in the ship movement response model of along with tidal, current, and meteorological data.


Penerapan Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

Penentuan Lokasi dan Orientasi Pelabuhan