Penataan Workshop Berbasis Budaya Lokal sebagai Penguatan Desa Wisata Gerabah Sitiwinangun di Kabupaten Cirebon
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Hendhy Nansha

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Sitiwinangun Village is the largest pottery craft center in Cirebon Regency, located in Jamblang District. Now the number of pottery craftsmen Sitiwinangun is shrinking very significantly. This condition is of course very alarming considering the Sitiwinangun pottery handicraft is a superior product and cultural asset of the Cirebon regency, which if developed will be able to accommodate a large number of workers and can improve the economy of the community. It was in this effort that the Bina Usaha Group was founded in 2011. Since Sitiwinangun was launched as a Tourism Village since 2016 and was inaugurated in 2018 by the Sultan of Cirebon, many local and foreign consumers and tourists have visited the center directly. Unfortunately this opportunity cannot be utilized optimally because of supporting facilities for tourism and the low awareness of pottery craftsmen Sitiwinangun on the importance of the layout (layout) of production facilities and product displays, especially when receiving direct tourist visits at workshops. Based on the list of problems, there are three categories of problems, namely the layout of the workshop, display facilities and cleanliness. These three categories of problems will be resolved in the P3MI 2019 Community Service Program through a participatory method where the implementation team consisting of lecturers and assisted by several students will collaborate actively in the center with SME partners in the form of training and mentoring activities. The method for solving the problem is as follows: 1. Literature study 2. Identification through interviews and field surveys. 3. Analysis 4. Development of workshop layout designs and display devices 5. Workshop layout applications and display devices 6. Make conclusions.


Penerapa Karya Seni/Desain/Arsitektur/Perencanaan Wilayah

Testimoni Masyarakat

Find a solution is to organize workshops and display local culture-based products as a strengthening of the Pottery Tourism Village in Cirebon Regency.