Budi Sulistianto
Topographic mapping was conducted in order to the development and long-term planning of Miftahul Ulum Islamic Boarding School located in Kecamatan Padalarang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Propinsi Jawa Barat. The scope of the activities consist of topographic mapping, installation of permanent control points, point measurement and detail mapping, data processing, and reporting. Detailed mapping of the situation will be referred to the 1:1000 scale measurements. This study was conducted to provide an overview of the topography at the site Mihtahul Ulum Islamic Boarding School in order to long-term development plan. Topographic mapping is useful to get an overview of the topography of the area, which is expected to provide accurate information and facilitate in the planning stages. Drainage and embankment plan require detailed topographic information. Topographic mapping with 1:1000 scales is generally sufficient to presenting the information accurately. Detailed mapping methodology is using tachimetry methods. The total area is about 16 hectares. The main surveys control points are using a permanent benchmark that using local coordinate system.
Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna, Penerapa Karya Seni/Desain/Arsitektur/Perencanaan Wilayah
To provide an overview of the topography at the site Mihtahul Ulum Islamic Boarding School in order to long-term development plan