Akhmad Ardian Korda
The quality of the agricultural equipment products such as hoes, rakes, machetes, knives tapping, “egrek” and so on is determined by the materials and manufacturing process. The application of simple technologies and practical experience is generally a basic provision for the blacksmith. Currently, the blacksmith population decline due to competition with similar products of medium scale industries from both domestic and abroad. The quality of the agricultural equipment products from the small scale industries should be improved through the proper procedure for the selection of raw materials and heat treatment processes during the manufacture of the such equipments. In some areas around Kabupaten Bandung there has been some centers of blacksmith who have long been present. An example is the blacksmith who was in Kecamatan Pasir Jambu and Kecamatan Ciwidey. Small scale industries which are generally located in the countryside has an important role as a support activity in the field of agriculture. In addition to using simple technology, the labor involved in small industries generally do not require higher education so that the small-scale industry can absorb labor in surrounding areas. In this program, a wide range of products of agricultural equipment from a blacksmith’s results were taken as samples. Technique or method in the manufacture of such equipment was also observed and documented. In addition to agricultural equipment products, product samples of traditional weapons "kujang" is also taken. Various products blacksmiths and also a sample the raw materials were then taken to a laboratory for observation and testing. The testing include chemical composition testing, microstructural examination and hardness testing. The testing and analysis was also performed to a sample of similar product type from abroad medium scale industry as a comparison to local products of Pasir Jambu’s blacksmith.
Penerapa Karya Seni/Desain/Arsitektur/Perencanaan Wilayah
Currently, the blacksmith population decline due to competition with similar products of medium scale industries from both domestic and abroad. The quality of the agricultural equipment products from the small scale industries should be improved through the proper procedure for the selection of raw materials and heat treatment processes during the manufacture of the such equipments.