Pembuatan Alat Peraga Elemen Mesin Perkakas (Manufacture of Machine Tools Element Display Tools)
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Yatna Yuwana Martawirya

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Machine tools is a machine to make products includes machines to make other products. Because of that machine tools often called as the parent of other machinery Equipment. Industrialized nations always have the correlation with industrial development machine tools in these countries. At this moment in the mechanical engineering study programs, the faculty of mechanical and aerospace engineering , there is a lecture about the machine tools , MS3270. The lecture at the moment the operation performed by submitting theory in classes and independent duties for every student to seek information of machine tools by using the internet. At the other side, there is a desire the government, the ministry of industry through the directorate general of IUBTT, to develop the ability of national in the field of machine tools by developing CDTI-MT (Center for Development of Technology and Industry of Machine Tools). To realize the desire, the directorate general IUBTT has collaboration with FMAE. The main purpose is to stimulate development of machine tools industry in Indonesia through technology mastery of machine tools.


Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna

Testimoni Masyarakat

to develop the ability of national in the field of machine tools