Indryati Sunaryo
Stock price movement analysis software for analysts, investors, and traders in the stock market are usually developed using widely-known indicators such as Bollinger Band, Moving Average (MA), MACD, Momentum, Stochastic, RSI, etc. The most common weakness of analysis and software exist in the market today is that the prediction result does not give depiction on the accuracy and possibility of missed result. Sheward Control Chart is a commonly-used tool in the industrial engineering to control product quality as well as production process. This chart is able to detect when there is a change in quality data patterns that appear with various confidence level using basic principles in statistics. Based on those facts, an idea emerges to study the possibilities of using statistical control chart in understanding stock price movement pattern and its subsequent changes in various confidence level, primarily in relation with the consistency of its movement and pattern. The result from such process can be used to predict whether stock price movement will still follow the same pattern (sideway, uptrend or downtrend) or have already changed.
Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna, Penerapa Karya Seni/Desain/Arsitektur/Perencanaan Wilayah
The most common weakness of analysis and software exist in the market today is that the prediction result does not give depiction on the accuracy and possibility of missed result.