Muhammad Ridwan Reza Nugraha
School in Indonesia have a permanent class system and migrant teachers. The students' study schedule is full every day from the time they arrive until they go home, there are no empty hours other than break time. The teacher has been assigned to teach a class with the weight of teaching. The basic problem is how to generate a schedule with basic constrained as follow the teacher teaches according to their assignment, each teacher only teaches once in the same class on the same day, no class is taught by more than one teacher at the same time The problem can be solved by integer linear programming by minimizing objective function. Mathematical models and optimizations have been made. the model has been implemented into a python code and integrated with the website. Our road map can be seen below. Every school can create a free account. However they must attach a document that they are an official school / institution. An account can be created directly on the jadwal.guruwebpage. After verification, user can generate schedule with the available template. The result can be download for daily view, teacher’s view, and class’s view.
Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna, Penerapa Karya Seni/Desain/Arsitektur/Perencanaan Wilayah
Generating a learning schedule at a school is quite complicated. The scheduling activity is repeated at least every 1 semester. The amount of data affects the level of difficulty making the schedule.