Pembinaan Cinta Lingkungan Berbasis Masyarakat Setempat Dalam Upaya Penyelamatan dan Pelestarian Keanekaragaman Hayati Di Kawasan Konservasi Gunung Masigit Kareumbi Cicalengka Jawa Barat
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati

Ringkasan Kegiatan

This training has been conducted in Masigit-Kareumbi Mountain Conservation area involved 77 local students, with the majority of year 6th grade school. The content of the training was focus on biodiversity, conservation and application of simple technology. The activities was given at outdoor around the area. The activities include drawings, collages, mapping, modeling, and exploring the area. The SITH students acted as a mentor. In one mentor, there was 10-12 students. The training activities have been conducted on 14-15 September and 28-29 September 2013. The implication of the training to the student awareness could not measured directly. However, from eagerness and enjoyment as well as student testimonies indicated that the message about the important of environment and conservation have been absorbed. The mentors also noticed positive feedback from involvement in the program, i.e. sound maping which then they described writtenly or in illustration. Students more aware of biodiversity when they sampled flora fauna within the forest. They also actively involved within discussion in the group.


Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Kepedulian Sosial berupa pendidikan/penyuluhan/pendampingan

Testimoni Masyarakat

-In Masigit-Kareumbi conservation area, the people around conservation area was less involved and less concern about their area. -Peserta yang belum terbiasa dengan kegiatan luar lapangan membuat tim pelaksana sedikit kesulitan untuk mengatur dan memberi pengarahan. -Pendanaan yang terlambat diberikan menyebabkan kegiatan sedikit terhambat dan mundur dari jadwal yang telah direncanakan -Pengumuman mengenai syarat penurunan dana dan pelaporan yang seringkali mendadak dan kurang disosialisasikan, sebaiknya pengumuman diberikan jauh sebelumnya dan disampaikan tidak hanya melalui website, tetapi juga melalui media lain seperti email ataupun melalui pesan singkat langsung kepada tim pelaksana.