Pemberian edukasi dan peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap perilaku hidup sehat dan pencegahan di lingkungan lansia secara daring
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Pratiwi Wikaningtyas

Ringkasan Kegiatan

A webinar using zoom platform was chosen as the media to deliver the education in this pandemic situation. There were three competent speakers: dr. Lazuardhi Dipa, SpPD-KGer (Hasan Sadikin Hospital), apt. ilman Silanas MKes (Hasan Sadikin Hospital) dan apt. Prof. I Ketut Adnyana, PhD (School of Pharmacy ITB) involved in this webinar. The topic of each speakers were as follows : maintain the health of the elderly in the Covid era, the use of immune booster in elderly, and harmony of life and the medicine around us that safe to elderly. The webinar was held in 16 August 2020 for 2.5 hours, with 284 registered participants from Indonesia’s several regions. 13% out of 284 participants were elderly whom belonged to elderly community. The webinar began with the introduction including the rules during the webinar and speakers profile. The education and information were given by all speakers followed by discussion session and announcement of giveaway for the lucky 10 participants. The doorprize was Rp. 100.000 internet quota for each 10 participants. All of the participants required to fulfill the questionnaire due to obtaining feedback of the webinar. All the participants got webinar’s e-certificate.


Penerapan Karya Tulis

Testimoni Masyarakat

Globally, as of 8 December 2020, there have been 67,210,778 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 1,540,777 deaths, reported to WHO ( In Indonesia, data on December 16 ( were obtained 586,842 confirmed cases and 18.000 deaths. CDC reported 8 out of 10 covid-19 deaths in USA have been in adults 65 years old and older. It is assumed that age increases of hospitalization. Therefore, prevention and homecare of the Covid-19 in the elderly needs to be paid more attention. As the educational institution, School of Pharmacy ITB has concern to involved in community by giving education and information to public regarding this issue due to increasing quality of life of the elderly and reducing the Covid-19 morbidity and mortality in elderly.